Author Archives: EchoReturn

Roland TR-8 Synced to Roland TR-77

The TR-77, Roland’s first product, debuted in 1972. Pre-MIDI and pre- DINSync. But if you’re clever, it can play well with others. Even the grandson.

I routed the TR-8’s handclap to an individual out, and ran it to the Footswitch stop/start of the TR-77. This allows the TR-77 to start and stop on command via an audio signal, so I placed the handclap on steps 1 and 14 of the sequencer and hand-adjusted the TR-77’s tempo to match.

While limited, the old Roland has a surprising amount of expressive potential. Pressing multiple buttons at a time combines beats.

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Atari 2600 Music Cartridge

Sure, The Melvins released an 8-track tape in 2000, well after the format’s demise. But if you really want to make your audience nosedive into obscurity, salvage a copy of Pac-Man or ET for the Atari 2600 and fill it with your own music. That way it will be solely enjoyable by those fortunate/hoardy enough to have an Atari 2600. Or, in this case, access to YouTube,

I mock lovingly and with envy. This is awesome right here, and I wish I knew how to do it.

“Weapons of Past Distractions,” Via BurnKit2600.


How to Buy Used Music Gear

Or: Scoring Used Gear for Less Than it’s Worth

I have a lot of people telling me that I am SO LUCKY to have scored some of the gear that I’ve collected for good prices. While luck is certainly a factor, strategy is also a major factor. Here’s a few of the tips ‘n’ tricks I’ve learned over the years that I’ve been hoarding strange music gear.


I would say that 80% of my scores have been had on Craigslist. If you’re online, I’m going to assume you’re familiar with Craigslist. I often search my local musical instruments section of Craigslist for keywords beyond what instrument or device I’m looking for – I also search for “rare” and “weird.”

Google. And Craigslist. If you’re open to having something shipped, and can find a seller willing to do so, consider using Google instead of Craigslist’s default search. Using the following terms, you can search all of Craigslist, not just your local chapter.

“Drum Machine”

Google Alerts.

Rather than checking Craigslist over coffee every day, put Google to work for you. It can search your local Craigslist every day, and e-mail you when it finds a new posting that matches your query.

Head to In the “Search Query” field, enter what you’re looking for followed by:

So, for a drum machine in Seattle, a query could be:

“Drum Machine”

Note that putting the search in quotes will return results for “Drum Machine”. Not putting it in quotes will return searches for both Drum AND Machine, which is likely not what you’re after. Choose how often you want to be e-mailed, and what address you want the e-mails sent to, and you are good to go! You can also use the minus sign to remove elements from your search. So, if you were looking to buy a drum machine that wasn’t a Korg, you could search for:

“Drum Machine” –Korg

Set “how often” to “As it happens.” If you have your e-mail sent to your phone, you can almost always be the first respondent to the posting. Also, and this goes for any search: include common misspellings of the product name.

Chocolate Google.

A vanilla Google Search for a product you’re after will yield many non-shopping results. But using Google’s “Search Tools” to constrain returns to “within the last week” is a great way to find listings for gear that are recent. You can get many returns for mom ’n’ pop shops all over the place that have just posted something new. You will also likely get a lot of forum posts, but that’s OK, as folks list their used item sales in forums frequently, and you will learn more about what you’re after by perusing these forums while shopping.

Ebay Alternatives

There are many more auction sites out there beyond ebay, and because they are less popular, there are generally fewer users to attempt to outbid you. Has a diverse musical instruments section. Note that items are often mis-categorized. Expect to find plenty of electric guitars in the “Electronic Instruments” category. Some real gems end up here, especially older synths. I can begin to understand how this happens. Some poor guy dies, and his non-musician family says “Nobody wants Uncle Daniel’s electric organ, right? It’s old, just give it to Goodwill,” and that’s how a Roland Jupiter 8 goes to the Value Village. Not kidding, I saw one on ShopGoodwill once, and also once purchased a Roland PG-300 from there. Police seizure auctions from drug busts and the like. Check the DJ and Pro Audio section as well as musical instruments. While their selection of audio and music stuff is rather Spartan, this is a great place to find “Commercial Nursery Equipment.” Wonder why that is?

Government auction sites: Lots of public school music stuff can end up here, as can… well, anything really. Not unusual to find PA stuff here, power amps and loudspeakers.

Local University surplus sites: Your area may or may not have a University, let alone a university surplus site, but you can occasionally find musical instruments and can frequently find PA gear.

PawnShopper: I don’t have first-hand experience with this site, but it seems cool.

Specialty sites: is more or less like ebay, specifically for audio gear. Everything I see posted here is in Europe. Some of it is very high-end or rare.


Bellingham Pawnshop, AKA “Sharkys.” My favorite pawnshop.

This is my second-most common source next to Craigslist. When it comes to musical instruments, pawnshops are wiser in this post-ebay world, and scores here are less common than they used to be. They are not gone altogether. It used to be that Pawn-X-Change (Now Cash America) had their entire inventory searchable online. I searched it weekly for stuff that was mis-priced, and once got a Roland RC-2, new in the box priced as if it was an RC-1.

A pawnshop typically makes more from the interest on loans than via merchandise, so they are generally content to price high and wait for an idiot/enthusiast. That’s fine. My experience has consistently been that haggling is tolerated in pawnshops, especially if the item has been on the shelf a while. I’ve also had better luck at pawnshops that are out in the county, away from bigger cities. In particular, pawnshops that specialize in tools and consumer electronics don’t tend to know so much about musical instruments, and often don’t have the clientele for it. As such, music gear often collects dust at these shops for some time, which makes discounts common, and haggling easier.

Test anything you get from a pawnshop thoroughly in-store. I got a Roland Alpha Juno 2 for $135, with a case, because I found that two keys were broken when testing in-store. They knocked $60 off.

Lastly, with pawnshops, you simply have to be there. I used to have a commute that took me past a Pawn-X-Change on the way to and from work. I stopped in once a week and got some great stuff.

Also, try showing up on or around the first of the month. More stuff hits the floor around this time, as folks often pawn stuff to make rent around the first of the month, The merchandise then goes on the floor exactly 90 days later. This may vary by store and/or perhaps by regional law.


Search for a Facebook Group concerning local used gear. Seattle has a very active one with lots of kind folks offering both gear and sound advice. Maybe your town does, too. Don’t feel like you have to wait for something you want to show up—ask if anyone is selling what you’re interested in.

Estate/Yard Sales: Go for it. I once got a mint condition Leslie speaker for $235, and the score of my lifetime, a Sequential Circuits Drumtraks, for $2. Show up early.

That’s it! I hope you find this info helpful. Stay tuned for insights on how to sell used gear once you have a few too many successes with the above tips.

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Sequentix Cirklon: Live Jam 12-2-13

Live jam on Sequentix Cirklon, 12-2-13.

Gear used:
Sequentix Cirklon
Roland TR-707 (Circuit bent)
Roland TR-727 (Circuit bent)
Ladyada x0xb0x
Yamaha AN-200
Yamaha DX-200
Alesis 3630 Compressor
Electrix Warp Factory vocoder
Novation A-Station
Yamaha MEP4
TC Electronic M-300 stereo delay
Line6 Filter Pro
PreSonus Studio One DAW

PreSonus Studio One is used for audio recording, compression, and reverb. No MIDI.

This is my first live jam on the Cirklon. All sequences created in Cirklon. MIDI sent to Ladyada x0xb0x is also sent to Yamaha MEP-4, which is sending three MIDI-delays of this sequence to the Novation A-Station, each on separate octaves.

AN-200 signal is fed through Alesis 3630, gate is triggered by rim shot sound from the Roland TR-707. The Yamaha AN-200 is then routed through Filter Pro and M-300. Setting the Cirklon’s pattern to “Brownian” makes for some great, unpredictable-but-musically-relevant gating effects.

Yamaha DX-200 signal is fed through Electrix Warp Factory with no formant input, for creepy robot chanting sounds.

Pseudorandom drum “improvisation” is created by a track on the Cirklon where toms and additional snares have a 30% chance of triggering per step.

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Welcome to Echo Return

Here at Echo Return, we will be featuring demos of obscure musical equipment in the form of demos, experiments, and live jams. Here’s a taste of what’s to come.

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